Naughty Princess Version 2 part 1 The tales of Princess Curbe and her love Nemesis Vixen, in an alternate world. WARNING- Hey, you, I mean you. Yeah you. Before you read this, be warned. This a an erotic furry tale, if you don't know what that means, the story is about anthropomorphic animals. This contains intercourse between consenting adult Furries and between adult Furries and adult Furries playing minors. This tale is intended for adults only. So if you think your fooling me, guess again. If you are offended by the content, don't read it. All characters were created by me, Nemesis appears with permission of her creator. Now, with all that out of the way, enjoy. Our story opens the night of Princess Curbe's 18th birthday Princess Curbe sighed and looked at the list one more time. Ever since she had turned 18 she had been constantly reminded that her duty was to choose a mate. She hated the idea, yet there was one promising name on the list, if only... She looked in the mirror and sighed again, tossing the list on the bed. She turned to get ready for bed and noticed movement outside her window. She thought it was that damned male again, but the scent on the breeze was one she liked a lot. She pretended not to notice and went about undressing. Nemesis wiped a bit of drool off her chin, how she loved the princess, but there was no way for her to be with her. Or so she thought. Princess Curbe turned to the window as she unlaced her vest and opened it. Nemesis saw drops of milk on the Princess's nipples and wiped more drool away. Princess Curbe let the vest drop to the floor, turned and bent over at the waist, pointing her cute butt at the window as she undid the clasps of her boots. Nemesis gasped! Princess Curbe tu rned and looked out the window, Nemesis hid in the bushes, trying to stay out of sight, heart racing at the beauty of her Princess. Princess Curbe looked right at Nemesis, but did not act as she saw her. Nemesis slipped out of sight and headed for home, Princess Curbe tossed her boots, slipped out her window and shadowed Nemesis home. As Nemesis prepared for bed, Princess Curbe peeked on her. She discovered, to her delight, that Nemesis had four breasts! She did a wonderful job hiding her secret, Princess Curbe thought. She slipped around to the front door and knocked. Nemesis put on a robe and opened the door, finding to her surprise, her princess, nude and apparently aroused. "What are you doing out at night and *blush* undressed." "Oh enjoying the night air, may I come in." "You are always welcome my princess, let me get you a robe." "That's okay, I'm fine." They sat opposite each other, Princess Curbe on the couch and Nemesis in a comfortable chair. They began to talk about the upcoming choice ceremony. "It must be hard for you to have to choose a mate right after your 18th birthday." "Yeah, it sucks. Yet, there is one name on the list that I want to choose." "Oh *feeling her luck sliding away*?" "Yes it is an individual I care deeply for." "Really?", Nemesis leaned forward, her robe opening a bit, showing of a bit of the upper swell of her breasts. "As you know the law states that I may have a same gender mate." "yes??" "I have made my choice." She let her legs spread lightly, milk beading on her nipples. "Um....Are you okay." "I'm wonderful especially with you as my mate." "Me??!!" "Yes sweetling." "But I'm not on the list!" "Yes you are." Nemesis found herself draw to her princess, sliding between her spreading thighs and into her out stretched arms, kissing her as she massaged her pert breasts, making milk dribble from them. Princess Curbe moaned and guided Nemesis to nurse, gasping as her sweetling latched on and drank deeply. Princess Curbe stroked Nemesis's ears and shoulders, opening her robe more, exposing her firm mounds. Nemesis nursed like a hungry cub, massaging the other breast to make her princess moaned and tremble with joy. Princess Curbe kissed Nemesis between the ears and nibbled on her eartips, her small hands caressing her upper breasts. Nemesis nursed for a bit more, before kissing and licking her way slowly down her princess's body. Princess Curbe moaned and twitched, panting and gasping. Nemesis smiled up at her princess as she licked lightly around her damp sex, delighting in the gasps and whimpers her princess made. Princess Curbe gripped the cushions, moaning and pushing her hips at Nemesis. Nemesis grinned an d slowly pushed her muzzle into her princess's sex, making her body jerk. Princess Curbe cried out, gasping for breath as waves of new feeling washed over her trembling body! Nemesis held her muzzle inside her princess till she stopped spasming and whining. As Nemesis pulled it out, she smiled up at her princess, noting the dampness of her breasts as milk dribbled out as she had her little orgasm. "Did you like that?" "Oh YES, yesssss. Do it AGAIN!!" Nemesis lead her love into the bed room, playing with her breasts, making them damper with more saliva and milk. Princess Curbe played with four nicely large pert mounds giving each one a caress and fondle. Nemesis kissed her loving princess passionately letting her tongue caress her princess's tongue. Princess Curbe moaned and trembled against her love, tongue dueling as she clung to her. Nemesis broke the kiss and licked her way down her princess's body, stopping only to lap up some milk from her nipples. Princess Curbe laid back, trembling and whining in anticipation of that wonderful feeling. Nemesis toyed with her, flicking her tongue around the edge of her princess's sex, making her whimper and moan, before pushing in enough to pleasure her, not to break her. Princess Curbe's body jerked and writhed as she felt that wonderful full feeling. Nemesis added to the pleasure by snaking her tongue into her loving princess, licking all over her insides making her squirm and cry out!! Princess Curbe tr embled and whined and thrashed about under her lover's touches. It didn't take much to make Princess Curbe cum and cum hard. Nemesis lapped up the sweet nectar as it flowed over her muzzle. As Princess Curbe came down, Nemesis noticed the time. She made sure her princess was able to walk and slipped her home. The next day, Nemesis sat in the front row, along with all the other prospective mates. She looked up at the stage, never seeing Princess Curbe look soo lovely. She wore a flowing white gown, silver crown and matching earrings. She had light blue eye shadow on and her lips were painted a stunning red. The gown enhanced her small yet attractive cleavage. Nemesis was nervous, not knowing what was to be the response to the princess's choice. "As has been our tradition, I now make my choice of mate." Nemesis noticed a few males boasting that they were the one. "I chose, as my mate for life, Nemesis Vixen." The crowd turned to look at Nemesis, she blushed and moved to stand by the princess. Several males glowered malevolently at her. "My choice is my own, as the ancient texts state. I shall rule fairly with my bride by my side." Nemesis put her arm around her love, not noticing the stares from the males going from malevolent to murderous. They were escorted to their home after a post ceremony dinner. During the whole thing, Nemesis could not stop staring at Princess Curbe. Once home, she held her love, looking at her. "I've never seen you soo dressed up, they went all out Huh?" "Yeah, feels like I'm wearing a tent." Princess Curbe undid the zipper and let the gown pool at her feet. Nemesis took the crown and earrings and placed them in a safe place, before discarding her dress and pulling her love into her arms. As they laid on the bed, the phone rang and Nemesis went to answer it. As Princess Curbe laid there, eyes half closed in memory of the feelings that her love could evoke, didn't notice the male slip in and move toward her. "You got a hot little body there princess.", he growled as he reached out to fondle a firm mound. "Don't touch me!", Princess Curbe shouted, slapping his hand away. "You always wanted to date me, till that vixen bitch showed up. Well she ain't here and your mine now.", he growled as he reached for her again. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MATE!!", Nemesis roared, unleashing a small fireball that missed the princess, hit the male, burning his hand and leaving the princess untouched by heat or singe. He held his hand as Princess Curbe pulled the sheets around her. "Get out before I have the guards take care of you!" As she turned to her mate, the male pulled a knife and rushed the vixen, who turned, getting nicked on a breast. He flew out the window and impaled himself. Princess Curbe rushed to Nemesis. "Oh your hurt!", she cried, examine the nick. "I'm okay.", she answered, a bit of blood trickling out and stopping. "How did you do that?" "Well, I was hoping to prepare you first, but...." "Yes?" "I may look as old as you, but I am older. I'm a 2000 year old sorceress. I have been the protector of your kingdom for centuries. When I saw you, I fell in love.", Nemesis looked at her feet. "I hope you can love me still, even though I am as old as your kingdom." "I don't care how old you are, I love you.", Princess Curbe answered as she slid into Nemesis's arms. "You can be like me, ageless. All you have to do is ...Um......drink from me like I did you." Without further though, Princess Curbe lightly fondled a firm mound and took the pert nipple into her mouth, drinking deeply of the filling warm milk. "It will make you like me now." Princess Curbe felt it, as she nodded, the warmth filling every part of her body. Nemesis laid her back, rubbing lightly at her damp sex, making her love moan. She slipped down her love's body sliding her muzzle into the princess, who jerked as she felt it fill her. Nemesis closed her eyes, thrusting her muzzle into her love, licking every inch she could taking her, making the princess her mate! Princess Curbe cried out, clinging to her love! Nemesis muzzled and tongued her to a wonderful orgasm, laying with her. Princess Curbe weakly caressed the four pert largish breasts as her love began pulling up the sheets and coverlet. She kissed her mate for life, sighing happily in her arms as the slowly setting sun slipped past the horizon and their first day as mates came to a close.